What is Internet Protocol ??

In our day-to-day lives, we communicate with different people in a different way are in the following ways:

  • With Friends: In normal and any language.
  • With Parents: In a respected manner.
  • With Teacher: In a respected manner.
  • With Milkman: In their language.
    • For example: Please give me 1 liter of milk. We can not ask them to give us 1 kg of milk.
We communicate with different people in different manners or different languages. 
For example:
  • To speak with Chinese people/ British people/French people/Indian people/ American people, we must know the Chinese language/ English language/French language/Hindi language/ English language respectively for communication.
  • Similarly communicating with physically handicapped such as deaf people, we must know the body language for communication.
  • To communicate with animals we use their kind of language.

So, the common language that has to be used for communication is known as Protocol.  The protocol includes the syntax and format of that particular language. 

Whenever there is communication between clients and service providers then the use of Protocol takes place. The Protocol is mostly used in the Internet world.

Before proceeding further, let me familiarize you with 2 concepts:
  • Client: The one who asks or makes a request for some service is known as the Client. For Example:
    • Our Web Browser is one of the popular Clients. Who always on behalf of us(end user) communicate with servers to get service for us. 
    • When you search for Facebook, Google,  and YouTube. The web browser communicates with the Facebook server, google server,  and YouTube server to get the respective services.
  • Server: The one who provides any kind of service is known as Server.  
NOTE: Client-Server are relative terms.

Depending on the type of service, different protocols are used. Some of the Popular Protocol are:
  • HTTPS: It is used to serve secure web pages. All secure web pages use HTTPS protocol. 
  • SSH: It is used to access remote servers. When you need to access any Linux server present publicly, it requires SSH protocol.
  • UDP: It is used for transportation of packets from Client to Server. It is not reliable, which means it does not guarantee to transport lost packets. That's why it is mostly used in live streaming.
  • TCP
    • It is also used for the transportation of packets from Client to Server, but it guarantees to transport all lost packets too. 
    • Therefore, it is reliable.
  • FTP: It is used for file transferring b/w Client-Server.
  • SMTP
    • For mail-related services, the SMTP protocol is used.  
    • It is used by Gmail, Yahoo Mail, outlook, etc.
  • NFS: To share storage NFS protocol is used.
  • DNS
    • To retrieve the IP Address from the domain name, the DNS protocol is used. 
    • When a web browser searches for a domain name, www.youtube.com.  Then the very job is to convert the domain name to an IP Address. To do so, the DNS protocol is used. 
  • DHCP
    • You have noticed when you connect to Wifi or hotspot. In that case, your phone asks for an IP Address from wifi.  In such cases, DHCP protocol is used for communication b/w both devices (phone and wifi).
  • ARP:  
    • To get a MAC address, the ARP protocol is used.


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